Baseball season is eternal! So, even if it's the offseason, why not curl up with my baseball-themed thriller, Close Call? You might be asking yourself, "But wait, I'm not a sports fan, so why should I buy this book?" To which I would reply, "I need to pay my mortgage." Wait! While that's true, there's a better answer: You don't need to be a sports fan to enjoy this book (although it wouldn't hurt). Baseball certainly plays a part, but this is a thriller, a murder mystery, and doesn't contain one reference to WAR (or Wins Above Replacement, a baseball statistic that I refuse to recognize as legitimate, but whatever). Close Call is the sequel to The Highwayman, and brings back FBI Special Agent Patti Moreland, who must solve why somone is blackmailing the Major League Baseball commissioner into overturning a botched call that ruined a Perfect Game. And this psycho is doing it by way of murder. If the commish doesn't act, more people die. This book was inspired by real-life events! Google Armando Galarraga and you'll see what I mean. Close Call also weaves in some much needed humor during these trying times, and is available now digitally and in paperback.
More about my work. The Highwayman was my first thriller, and I've dabbled in the horror genre a time or two (three to be exact). I'm sure you've heard about the Krampus movie, which has nothing to do with my Krampus novel, The Dark Servant. (Steven Spielberg, are you listening?) But anything that spreads the gospel of Krampus is great. The New York Daily News talked to me about why America needs Krampus, and I was quoted along with Krampus movie director Michael Dougherty. Needless to say, it made my day to be in such awesome company.
Close Call and The Highwayman, The Dark Servant, my other novel, Sentinels, and my novella, Twelfth Krampus Night are published by Crossroad Press.
The Dark Servant pits Krampus against a rural New Jersey town's high school bullies. Twelfth Krampus Night brings back Krampus but takes place in Medieval Times and features a withered, belly-slitting hag named Frau Perchta. Sentinels is what I call a supernatural thriller set in the South. It also falls into the Weird West subgenre that I've been reading about on Wikipedia.
For those of you who are unfamiliar with my work, do yourself a favor and check out the Books section of my site and scroll down to select the title of interest.
As for me, modesty prohibits me from writing about myself here. (Go to the About Me page to see my immodesty.)
I also have a News section where I'll post updates on my current and future works, and will link to media reviews, interviews and personal or online appearances I plan on making.
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